Refund Policy & Product Lifetime
We make every effort to provide you with products that will improve your life at a great value.
However, you’re fully protected by a 100% money-back return policy for 7 days for information-based products, no questions asked, and we mean that.
This is how the policy works:
First 7 Days Our promise to you:
If you are dissatisfied at any time during the first 7 days after purchase, simply delete all digital video, audio, and text files you obtained from us, and ask for a full refund. You will get your money back.
Refunds for testing or appointment time with Dr. Shook are not available.
After 7 Days:
If for some reason you are dissatisfied or have not evaluated our information products 7 days after purchasing, we are sorry, but we will be unable to refund your money. We consider 7 days a reasonable timeframe to evaluate and follow through on the products that have been purchased.
Contacting Us:
Please submit all refund requests through our site
Make sure to clearly state for which product you are requesting a refund and include your username or email you used with that product.
Send your written refund requests by first class postal mail to:
The Office of Dr. Brad Shook
Attn: Refunds Department
901 HWY 321 NW SUITE 134
HICKORY, NC 28601 United States
To serve you and others better in the future, we request (but do not require) that you tell us why you want a refund. We want satisfied customers.
Please remember that asking for a refund but continuing to use products purchased from us is the same thing as stealing and may also violate the applicable intellectual property rights law.
Definition of Product Lifetime:
When you purchase any digital product from us, you have "lifetime" access to the product. The "lifetime" of a product is the duration of time that it takes to complete the product or program as defined by the instructions in the product, and or name of the product. For example, "The 6 Week Hashimoto's Transformation Program" is a 6 week program. The lifetime of this program is therefore 6 weeks. You may have access to it for much longer than that, but we define the product "lifetime" as 6 weeks, and technically you could be removed from the membership site, Facebook support group and any other site or membership or bonus program that was offered in combination with your purchase at the end of the product lifetime, and the product would be considered fully consumed. We can not be responsible for you or your failure to complete any of our programs in the allotted time that is considered the product lifetime, nor do we intend to restrict your access to the programs, but we do have to consider that at some point we will likely have to close some of our programs, and therefore we wanted to define what the "lifetime" of our products are. Any and all other products that do not have a clear time frame associated with them that would help to more clearly define the "lifetime" of the product are considered to have a 1-week product "lifetime," and the same rules apply once the product lifetime has past.
Refunds for consulting services, lab fees, lab interpretation fees, or any other service provided by Dr. Shook (unless otherwise detailed in this document) are not refundable
In the event, a bundled or discounted package of products and/or services are purchased and partially used before the end of the 7 day evaluation period, and a refund is requested, refunds will be made on a prorated basis at the non-discounted, non-bundled, standard fee for service and.or product.
This refund policy and product lifetime definitions were last updated on October 1, 2018.